Metronidazole Powder

Metronidazole powder is an antibiotic (for anaerobic bacteria) and anti-protozoa medication used to treat a wide range of conditions internally and externally in fish. Metronidazole has been shown to be highly effective against internal and external flagellates. It is also effective against protozoan parasites such as Cryptocaryon in marine aquaria or against Hexamita and Ichthyophthirius. Metronidazole is most commonly used to treat Cichlid disease due to the occurrence of Hexamita.


Praziquantel Powder

Praziquantel Powder is a highly effective medication when treating flukes and flatworms in both freshwater and saltwater environments. Praziquantel is safer than most other anti-parasitic medications.


General Antibiotic Cure (Erythromycin, Doxycycline Hyclate)

General Antibiotic Cure is a blend of pure erythromycin and pure doxycycline hyclate.  No fillers to interfere with treatment.  This combination has shown to be more effective than using each drug on its own. Common behavioral changes that indicate a bacterial infection include clamped fins, swollen eyes, gills held open, pumping gills and gulping through mouth, patchy coloration, change in swimming behavior, becoming shy or hiding, etc.


General Parasite “Quick” Cure (Metronidazole, Praziquantel)

General Parasite Cure is a blend of pure metronidazole and pure praziquantel.  No fillers to interfere with treatment.  This combination has shown to be more effective than using each drug on its own.  Metronidazole is an anti-protozoan medication and praziquantel is a broad spectrum deworming medication. Effective against Heximata, Malawi bloat, body slime, chilodonella, freshwater ich, epistylis, schistosoma, liver flukes, gill flukes, flat worms, tapeworms and turbelliarians.


Acriflavine Neutral

Acriflavine Neutral treats a wide variety of diseases found in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Acriflavine Neutral does not affect pH, unlike other forms of this medication.  It has a long history of use in both freshwater and saltwater environments, including treatment for Velvet (Oodinium), Columnaris (Flexibacter columnaris), Mouth Fungus, Fin & Tail Rot, Sproglenia, Sliminess of the Skin, Egg Disinfectant, External Protozoan Infections, general Fungus, Bacterial Infections and Open Wounds. Acriflavine Neutral is also an alternative for species sensitive to...


Enrofloxacin (Baytril)

This listing is for twenty-five grams of 99+% purity Enrofloxacin HCl with no fillers or other ingredients, in the form of a fine powder. AquariCure Enrofloxacin HCl is an effective internal (mixed with food) and external (water) broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment for a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Enrofloxacin HCl is water-soluble, stable in a range of water pH and salinity levels, is generally well-tolerated by fish and is used to treat a variety of systemic bacterial infections. Most...


Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Powder

Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Powder is a popular antibiotic due to its ability to treat both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.  It is commonly used to kill marine ulcer disease, mouth fungus, cold water disease and bacterial hemorrhagic septicimea making it a good all around antibiotic.


Methylene Blue, Pure Powder Form

Methylene Blue is a chemical dye with antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic properties.  It is most often used to avoid egg-killing fungus from a fresh spawn. However, it can be also be used on older fish with caution as noted below.  Can be used with freshwater or saltwater.


Erythromycin Powder

A 50 gram jar of Erythromycin is the equivalent of 200 packets commonly available in the fish hobby.  Save by purchasing in bulk! Erythromycin is a common antibiotic used to treat a variety of bacterial ailments. Non-toxic to invertebrates. Common behavioral changes that indicate a bacterial infection include clamped fins, swollen eyes, gills held open, pumping gills and gulping through mouth, patchy coloration, change in swimming behavior, becoming shy or hiding, etc.


Malachite Green, Crushed Crystal Powder Form

In aquaculture, Malachite Green is often used as an anti-fungal for eggs in hatcheries. It is most effective against external parasites. Malachite Green is also quite effective in controlling fungus on fish eggs. Disorders treated by Malachite Green include the following: Egg Fungus - Serves as a safe disinfectant for fish eggs. Ichthyophthirius multi files - Small white spots resembling sand, fish scratches against objects. Oödinium pillars - Also known as Velvet, this is actually caused by a parasite. Saprolegnia...