Mysis Shrimp: Freeze Dried, for all Tropical and Marine Fish, Free Shipping Included

Mysis Shrimp: Freeze Dried, for all Tropical and Marine Fish, Free Shipping Included


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Ingredients: 100% pure freeze-dried Mysis Shrimp

These delicious Mysis Shrimp are full of vitamins, minerals, and natural protein that will satisfy even the most aggressive carnivore. They enhance healthy growth of your fish and is as nutritious as live food without the risk of bacteria or parasites.

Mysis shrimp are becoming increasingly popular in the aquaria industry, preferred by many over frozen brine shrimp and krill. Freeze-dried Mysis, because of its excellent fatty acid profile, makes an excellent food item for marine fish, breeding pairs and difficult to breed fish. Our Freeze-dried Mysis, often called “opossum shrimp,” are invertebrate, shrimp-like animals, wild-caught and quickly freeze-dried to preserve nutritional value. Mysis (Mysis relicta, Neo-mysis, etc.) evolved from a saltwater species that slowly adapted to decreasing salinity in areas that were affected by melt water caused by retreating glaciers during the Pleistocene era. Mysis have circumpolar distribution and are found in Russia, Asia, Canada, the Scandinavian countries and in the U.S. Mysis contain relatively high levels of fatty acids and significant levels of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA’s).

Proximate Analysis: Protein, 75.54%; Fat, 7.42%; Ash, 9.8%; Moisture, 2.3%.

SKU: mysis-freeze-dried Category:
We ship Monday - Saturday every week of the year as soon as your order is placed. Our products proudly ship out from the USA.

Our freeze dried foods and pellets are packed in zip lock bags for easy use and in a bubble pack or a hard box for secure shipping. Keep in mind fish food is generally fragile, and there may always be smaller pieces and fine fragments in your order.

We take pride in the high quality products we produce. Our freeze dried foods and pellets are packed with nutrients to make your fish grow fat and healthy. Our blackworms are grown, cleaned and processed entirely indoors (in troughs in large sheds). This means that there is no potential for external pollutants (bird droppings, rats, etc) that many outdoor growers face. Our water is single-pass (not recycled) mountain spring water resulting in an impeccable environment for our worms. We specialize in freeze-drying all of our food products.

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Available Quantities

100g, 50g

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